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11/1/2022 12:02:02 AM
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Section 4: General Subject: Ghjgff Msg# 1174995
Image below from Joe Reynolds - Image Title: Test Uploaded: 10/23/2022 Image Info: Hjjgrrhj hhjgff Camera/Image Info Camera Make - Apple Camera Model - iPhone XR F-Stop - F/1.8 Shutter Speed - 1/120 sec Focal Length - 4.25 mm ISO-100 |
For reference, the above message is a reply to a message where: Image below from Joe Reynolds - Image Title: csfsfsdfsdfsfs Uploaded: 10/26/2021 Image Info: sdfsd fgdh gfhdfgh fh fgh sf hfghdfghdgh Image below from Joe Reynolds - Image Title: csfsfsdfsdfsfs Uploaded: 10/26/2021 |